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 more likely to reinstate conscription fairly quickly, just because it’s a little bit more culturally familiar. ADVERTISEMENT The United States, though, hasn’t had a draft since the Fatherless Behavior Knife Duck T-Shirt Apart from…,I will love this early 1970s. It would cause a lot of problems because it would require a kind of a cultural shift in how we view the military – I imagine for the British as well. I mean, the Brits have always ridden the line between continental Europe and the United States. The British would probably be like the middle way between that in terms of the reaction to conscription. In a fight between NATO and Russia, assuming that it went longer than a month, I imagine that conscription probably would be brought in at some point. What would have to happen in the war for conscription to be brought in generally? In the initial stages of conflict, NATO’s initial reaction would primarily be an air campaign. That doesn’t require boots on the ground. Depending on how that goes, let’s assume it escalates even further and there’s no de-escalation. Let’s say Russia then does a ground invasion of a NATO country like Poland or the Baltic states – that’s when we would start seeing NATO’s rapid reaction force called up, if they hadn’t already been called up at that point. Assuming Russia then invades a NATO country, that’s when the ground offensive would really begin. In the initial stages, European countries would try to use their standing professional armies to prevent further Russian invasion. If those professional forces are under too great a strain and they begin to falter,

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then a draft is going to be called. Would nuclear weapons be used in this hypothetical war? With Putin at the Fatherless Behavior Knife Duck T-Shirt Apart from…,I will love this head, it would take probably either a direct NATO involvement, as in NATO firing on Russian forces in Ukraine, or the collapse of the Russian army. If they start to collapse against NATO forces, then I think Putin, just to try to get everyone to push away from the table, uses a couple of tactical nuclear weapons and prays no one wants to go any further. That’s possible. Tech Russia Televises New Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile Being Loaded Into Silo MATTHEW GAULT 11.17.23 Do you see there being a “winner”? Let’s say in a scenario where the Russian army begins to collapse, Russia uses a few tactical nuclear weapons, probably on NATO territory – let’s say Poland, Baltic states, something like that. Then let’s assume NATO and Russia decide to push away from the table and try to negotiate a peace – in that scenario, obviously, I would say that

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